Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Susana Martinez Tells All (FULL VERSION)

Close your eyes and picture a night in Barcelona - Spanish Guitar strums tapping into your physique making you automatically glide from side to side, a movement more famously known as swaying. Next, picture a live Flamenco number being played in the background by an independent street band - The Spanish guitar tune becomes secondary as more clapping and fast beats are added to this sultry ambience. SHE floats in with so much poise like a pompous flamingo, her confidence so exuberant that she rubs off as sassy. Then! “BAM OLEO “(the crowd screams) and SHE begins to gracefully captivate the crowd with her fluid yet on point body movements. The sound of her pumps hitting the unlevelled floor sends jolts of pleasure into your nervous system.”

CONFESSION: This was the preconceived notion I had of Susanna Martinez before actually interviewing her. See- I heard through the grapevine that she was a Spanish woman, hence the delusionary impression above. But on the complete contrary, she’s one of the most down-to earth people I’ve ever interviewed. WHO is Susanna Martinez you might ask?  Read further for an exclusive insight and find out for yourself:

Which part of Spain do you hail from?
I was raised in a little village called Castillo La Mancha, located at the very centre of
Spain. It is a beautiful yet relatively small town, so small that its own township didn’t have a high school; hence I was required to travel to a neighbouring village. The best thing about Castillo La Mancha is that, because it was so compact, everyone knew each other so I felt safe, free and easy to do anything I wanted around and about my village as a kid.

Why Malaysia?
Why not? (giggles) I think ultimately it’s because I was eager for some changes to occur in my life at one point. I wanted a change of climate but above all I was eager for a change of culture. I was willing to immerse myself in a whole new culture and I found that Malaysia could amply provide that. I first arrived in Malaysia, reporting for duty at USM as a lecturer in 2001. I was 29 years old at the time (so do the math if you would like to know my current age). In 2003 I got attached with Instituto Cervantes de Kuala Lumpur (Help University College) and have been working here hitherto.

5 things you like about Malaysia?
The people, food, climate, contradictions & Help University College.

5 things you don’t like about Malaysia?
The roads.
Cual es tu estado civil? (What is current your Marital status)
(Starts to turn red) Well I was also fortunate enough to fall in love with someone in this country so YES- I am happily married. I met my husband sometime back, courtesy of a good friend of mine who introduced us to each other when I was out dancing at Changkat one night. My husband is a Product Designer for LUSTRO- a successful fashion label for men.

Have you been blessed with any children?
I have a beautiful son called Elias (pauses and breaks-out into an exuberant smile) and it’s funny that you brought this up, because I’m actually expecting a baby at the moment, so yeah- I have another bun in the oven. If I get a baby girl I would like to call her Patricia.
Do you have a favourite Spanish saying?
Yes I do, it was something my father used to tell me all the time: “Si tienes un problema y hay solución, porqué preocuparse. Si tienes un problema y no hay solución, porqué preocuparse”. (“If you have a problem and there is a solution, then why should you be worried?  And if you have a problem but there is no solution, then again- why should you be worried?”)
The greatest advice that your grandmother has given you?
“If a guy is really sweet to you and he showers you with flowers and gifts- DON’T FALL FOR IT, because guys always expect something back in return”.

The 2 things in life that you cannot live without?
Love and Family.
What is your favourite Malaysian food?
Definitely nasi lemak.

Favourite Spanish Food?
Fabada Asturiana.

In your own opinion, where is the best place to find Spanish food (restaurant) in KL?
PINCHOS- Changkat
Which do you prefer; singing, acting or dancing?
I assure you that I cannot sing at all, and I never liked acting because I am a very shy person but I really love dancing. I can dance to just about any kind of music.

Can you do the Flamenco and if you could choose absolutely anyone to do the Flamenco with, who would it be?
I am pretty sure I can do the Flamenco dance and I am also pretty sure I would love to do it
with Antonio Balderas

Interview by Kyian Keith

~American Flyer - Spring 2011 Edition~

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